Important: Therapy
- Send scrapings for culture
- Caution: significant drug interactions with fluconazole and miconazole - refer to BNF
- Consider immune deficiency and testing for HIV
test announcement
Candida albicans
Nystatin oral suspension, use 1ml as a mouthwash (then swallow) 6 hourly - usually for 7 days
Fluconazole 50mg oral once daily for 3 - 7 days
Continued for 48 hours after lesions have resolved
Fluconazole 100mg oral once daily for 7 - 14 days
if interactions with other medication use nystatin
Miconazole oral gel, 2.5ml 6 hourly after food - continue for 7 days after lesions resolve.
(NB: interaction with warfarin)