First or second trimester acquisition (until 27 +6 weeks)
- Refer women with suspected genital herpes for assessment by a GUM physician
- Confirm diagnosis with HSV PCR
- Complete STI screen
Aciclovir 400mg every 8 hours orally for 5 days
Severe or disseminated cases: Aciclovir 5mg/kg every 8 hours IV
Daily suppressive Aciclovir 400 mg every 8 hours orally from 36 weeks reduces HSV lesions and asymptomatic shedding at term and hence the need for delivery by caesarean
Third trimester acquisition (from 28 weeks)
Aciclovir 400mg every 8 hours orally for 5 days
Severe or disseminated cases: Aciclovir 5mg/kg every 8 hours IV
Continue daily suppressive Aciclovir 400 mg every 8 hours orally until delivery
- Recommend discussion of serological testing with a virologist or GUM physician
- Type-specific HSV antibody (IgG) testing is advisable to distinguish between primary and recurrent genital HSV infection