Definition and facts
DIARRHOEA is defined as: three or more loose or liquid stools (conforms to the shape of its container) in a 24 hour period, or more frequently than normal). In older people, Clostridium difficile infection may be a cause of diarrhoea and requires prompt treatment.
FACTS ABOUT Clostridium Difficile infection (CDI): CDI is a potentially fatal bacterial infection within the gut which is transmitted between residents and staff via spores produced by the bacteria. Spores are picked up either by direct contact with an infected person or by indirect contact with a contaminated surface and then swallowed. People with CDI shed spores via their faeces into the environment at a high rate. The ability of these spores to survive in the environment, even when disinfectants are used, contributes to the transmission of CDI in care facilities. Most people who develop CDI have received an antibiotic within the past 3 months therefore it is important to ensure that antibiotics are only prescribed when a person has clear symptoms of infection e.g. fever or chills, fatigue, loss of appetite, aches and pains.