Signpost to physio via single access point (030 3333 3001) for:
- Acute/acute on chronic LBP not settling in 4 weeks
- Unilateral nerve root pain > 4 weeks
- Symptoms of neurogenic claudication (Lumbar spinal stenosis)
- No physio input in last 6 months
- Previous episode of physio management ended due to DNA
- Previous benefit from physio input
- Chronic spinal pain – if they have not had physiotherapy, for change in presentation/help to achieve specific functional goal (in absence of dominant psychological component)
- GP referral to physio via SCI-Gateway is helpful if the patient has complex past medical history.
- GP referral to physiotherapy if patient unable to use online resources/ cope with telephone triage via SAP
- Urgent GP referral to physio is appropriate for new onset unilateral radiculopathy without red flag signs.
- Patients <16 yrs should be referred to paediatric services via SCI Gateway
Most mechanical neck and back conditions respond to physiotherapy intervention within 3 months
Physiotherapist can refer to Orthopaedic Spinal Service:
- If patient has symptoms of spinal stenosis significantly affecting quality of life
- Where there is no improvement in arm or leg pain, where neural tethering is clinically observed, and symptoms are significantly affecting quality of life
Physiotherapist will liaise with GP if concerned about any concurrent problem or prescribing issue or if recommending Pain Management Service where psychosocial dominance or distress indicates a multi-disciplinary team management approach
All physiotherapy records are available on clinical portal.