Yellow flags
- Belief that a pain is potentially harmful or disabling
- Belief that pain must be abolished before attempting to return to work
- Expectation of increased pain with activity or work, lack of ability to predict capability
- Catastrophic thinking, fearing the worst misinterpreting bodily symptoms
- Belief that pain is uncontrollable
- Passive Attitude to rehabilitation
- Use of extended rest of disproportionate down time
- Rescued activity level and withdrawal from AOL
- Poor compliance with physical exercise, activity ,cycling
- Avoidance of normal activity/substitution of lifestyle away from productive activity
- Report of high intensity of pain or NAS 10/10
- Poor quality of sleep since onset
- High intake of alcohol or other substances since onset of pain
- Smoking
- Lack of incentive to return to work
- Disputes over access to benefits
- History of claims due to other injuries
- History of back pain with previous sickness benefits
- Participation in a medico-legal claim
- Health Professionals sanctioning disability
- Conflicting diagnosis – confusion
- Unfamiliar medical language - catastrophising
- Dramatisation of a problem by professional-dependency on treatment
- Continued receipt of passive treatment
- Expectation of quick and easy cure
- Lack of satisfaction with previous Rx for back pain
- Advice to change or withdraw from job.
- Fear of increased pain with increased activity
- Depression, loss of enjoyment
- Irritability
- Anxiety and heightened awareness of bodily sensations
- Feeling under stress and unable to maintain sense of control
- Presence of social anxiety/disinterested in social activity
- Feelings of uselessness
- Over protective spouse/partner, encouraging belief behaviours
- Solicitous behaviour from spouse
- Socially punitive responses by spouse
- Extent to which family members support return to work
- Lack of someone to talk to
- History of manual work
- Repetitive boring work
- Previous work history, frequent job changes, stress, poor relationship with peers, boss etc
- Belief that work is harmful/dangerous
- Unhappy current work situation
- Low educational background, socio-economical status
- Heavy bio-mechanical demands of work
- Lack of availability for graded return to work
- Negative experience of workplace management of back pain
- Absence of interest by employer