- Pre Treatment FBC, U+E, CRP, LFT Inc albumin
- FBC, U+E, CRP and LFT Inc Albumin fortnightly until dose stable for 6 weeks then monthly for 3 months then 3 monthly. After 1 year no more blood monitoring is required
Patients should be asked about rash and oral ulceration at each visit.
Entering the results into a monitoring booklet will ensure that trends are not missed. Patients who do not attend for monitoring should be warned of the risk that serious adverse effects may go unnoticed. In the event of persistent failure to attend for monitoring please inform the Rheumatology department.
- WBC <3.5 – withhold and discuss with Rheumatology
- Neutrophils < 1.6
- Platelets < 140
- AST or ALT >100
- MCV >105 with normal TSH and haematinics
- Unexplained albumin <30mg/l
- Unexplained eosinophilia >0.5
- >30% rise in creatinine over 1 year
- Severe rash – withhold, seek urgent (preferably dermatology) advice
- Oral ulceration – withhold and discuss with rheumatology
- Nausea/dizziness/headache - reduce dose if severe. May need to stop or discuss
- Abnormal bruising or sore throat - withhold until FBC available