If 48 hours since last pill taken (i.e., more than 24 hours late):or more than 24 hours since new pack should have been started after hormone free interval
One or more active pills missed:
- Take last pill asap
- Take next pill at usual time
- Use extra contraceptive precaution( condoms, abstinence) for 7 days hours after restarting POP
- OMIT placebo pills if any of last 7 active pills missed
Missed placebo pills:
- dispose of missed pills
- continue pills
- ensure new pack started on time. If new pack not started on time follow missed pill rules above
Emergency contraception is indicated if:
- one or more missed pills days 1-7 after placebo pills and UPSI during placebo pills or week 1
- 4 or more were missed days 8-17 and there was UPSI from the time that the first pill was missed until correct pill-taking had resumed for 7 days
- 4 or more were missed days 18-24 and there was UPSI from the time that the first pill was missed until correct pill-taking had resumed for 7 days i.e HFI omitted
- Any other combination of missed pills during days 18–24 or if pills were missed earlier in the packet.
See WoS Emergency Contraception guideline.