Who should preconception health be promoted to?
- Preconception health messages should be promoted to women either planning a pregnancy or at risk of an unplanned pregnancy.
- Women at greater risk of an unplanned pregnancy include those:
- not on reliable contraception or using contraception inconsistently
- with a history of attendances for emergency contraception and/or pregnancy testing
- with a chaotic lifestyle such as substance users and looked after young people
- The first trimester of pregnancy is when fetal development is most vulnerable to the impact of adverse maternal biological, psychological and social factors.
- During this early stage of pregnancy, women may not be aware that they are pregnant and it is not uncommon for women to unwittingly continue negative health behaviours through this important stage of early fetal development.
- Health promotion for pregnancy often begins from first contact with maternity services at around 8 to 12 weeks gestation.