Preparation and Administration of Ceftriaxone lg deep intramuscular Injection
To reduce the pain experienced by patients receiving intramuscular ceftriaxone the drug is administered with 1% lidocaine (lignocaine)
1. Take I gram vial of ceftriaxone powder
2. Draw up 3.5mls lidocaine 1% into a syringe
3. Reconstitute the 1 gm vial of ceftriaxone with 3.5mls of lidocaine 1%.
4. Draw up the reconstituted ceftriaxone solution from the vial into one syringe. This makes a total of 4.1 mls.
5. Administer the 4.1mls solution of ceftriaxone l gram by deep intramuscular injection. Well developed muscles e.g. ventrogluteal, vastus lateralis and dorsogluteal can take up to 5 mls volume. NOTE: Lidocaine must be prescribed on NaSH.