- People who inject drugs (PWID)*
- Men who have sex with men (MSM)*
- Those involved in the commercial sex industry*
- Individuals having sex with partners from areas of high/ intermediate prevalence+
- HIV positive individuals*
- Sexual partners of individuals with ongoing risk of HBV acquisition
- Sexual contacts of those diagnosed with acute or chronic HBV infection#
- Individuals who have been sexually assaulted in the previous 6 weeks
- Individuals with a high risk sexual exposure within the previous 6 weeks
- Individuals who change sexual partners frequently
*At increased risk of HAV infection, therefore combined HAV/HBV vaccine should be given
+ WHO has categorised countries based on the prevalence of Hepatitis B surface AntigenĀ (HBsAg) into countries which are:
- High prevalence (more than 8%): Sub-Saharan Africa, most of Asia and the Pacific Islands.
- Intermediate prevalence (2 to 8%): The Amazon, southern parts of Eastern and Central Europe, the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent
- Low prevalence (less than 2%): Most of Western Europe and North America and Australasia
#Any sexual partner of an individual with infectious Hepatitis B should be offered vaccination in
addition to Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin (HBIG) if the last sexual contact was within one week.