Most patients with an unplanned pregnancy will have already carried out a pregnancy test. If they have already had a positive test and the history is consistent with pregnancy, then referral can be made and a repeat pregnancy test is not required.
Termination of pregnancy

Once the decision has been made to go ahead with a pregnancy termination, arrangements are made for:
- Early medical management at home is offered for patients living within 30 minutes of DGRI or GCH, and who are less than 10 week's gestation.
- Patients who met the criteria for home management will first attend DGRI/GCH for a face/face appointment for the administration of Mifepristone.
- During this appointment patients are then given a supply of Misoprostol to return home to self-administer 48 hours later and this is where the abortion takes place.
- Inpatient medical termination (available up to 20 week's gestation)
- Surgical termination (currently up to 12 week's gestation).
For most patients having medical or surgical termination, only day-case attendance is required.
Patients who request termination of pregnancy and are between 20 and 24 weeks gestation are currently referred to BPAS. Consultation may be offered in Glasgow but any procedure is carried out in England.
We aim for the majority of our patients to have effective contraception commenced before discharge, with appropriate emphasis being placed on Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC).
Contraceptive implant, depo-provera injection and oral contraceptive of choicecan be provided on the first visit of the procedure.