eHealth delivery plan
Redesign of urgent care
To support the Redesign of Urgent Care an electronic referral pathway was established to receive urgent care referrals from NHS 24. The pathway has been expanded to include Paediatrics. Electronic referrals from NHS 24 flow seamlessly into the Emergency Department TrakCare application.
The GP Out of Hours Service IT infrastructure has been upgraded to a managed hosting service, synchronising all OOHs clinicians and staff to the NHSGGC network, improving access to clinical applications, deploying voice recording functionality for remote workers and implementing barcoded electronic prescribing.
GP Portal summary
To complement Emergency Care Summary (ECS) and Key Information Summary (KIS), Clinical Portal has been integrated with 235 GP Clinical systems to make a summary of the patient’s GP information available to appropriate non-GP users.
GP back scanning
Work has progressed to digitise the historic GP paper records, freeing up storage space to be reconfigured into operational workspace. Nearly 1 million paper record files (over 80M pages) are now part of the complete GP Primary Care Electronic Health & Care Record.
GP re-provisioning
NHSGGC has contributed significantly to the National GP Re Provisioning programme which will replace the existing core clinical system and move from local infrastructure to a cloud-hosted approach.