Integrated Electronic Health & Care Record
We used TrakCare to enable patients on the high-risk register to access required antiviral medication. Identified patients on the COVID-19 shielding list. Used icons on TrakCare to allow easy identification of COVID patients on ward floorplans.
Community phlebotomy hubs
Acute clinicians use TrakCare to electronically request tests while Community Phlebotomy hubs enable patients to have their blood taken in a setting closer to home.
Emergency Department signposting form
This Clinical Portal form records details of patients who are redirected to an appropriate service prior to an ED admission.
LDT (Laboratory Developed Tests) recording
Allows the results of LDTs to be recorded for asymptomatic patients on admission.
Clinical dialogue / advice
Digital Referrals been integrated with Board pager and telephony messaging to provide robust clinical communication between specialties for Neurosurgery referrals, ensuring essential information is available to clinicians via the DHCR.
GP Radiology Order Comms
GPs can now request agreed radiology investigations electronically.
Patient digital images
A pathway has been developed to allow transfer of patient digital images / photographs into Clinical Portal.
National ophthalmology
Scottish Government commissioned NHSGGC eHealth to progress the business case for a pan-Scotland Electronic Health Record systems for Ophthalmology services. The “Open Eyes” system will be used across Scotland to enable sharing across Acute Ophthalmology and Community Optometry services, reducing duplication and aiding shared care.