Benefits realisation
The table below shows the key benefits enabled and delivered by Digital On Demand, aligned with NHSGGC corporate objectives. These were identified in consultation with a multidisciplinary group including citizens, clinicians and other stakeholders.
Corporate objective |
Related digital strategy benefit |
Better Care |
Digital Equality Citizen Access Digital health and care records Clinical Informatics Safer diagnostics Safer use of medicines Decision support |
Better Value |
Remote practice Innovation Patient Administration Transformation |
Better Workplace |
Digital literacy and skills Blended working Accessibility Clinical Informatics Governance |
We will apply the Managing Successful Programmes approach to benefits realisation to establish benefits measurements, monitor benefits realisation, measure benefits during and after implementation, and monitor and report benefits realisation on an ongoing basis.
Evaluation of benefits realisation evidence will be scrutinised through Programme Board governance structures with oversight from eHealth Strategy Board. An annual benefits report will be presented to the Finance, Planning and Performance Committee.
How will we measure progress?
We will routinely build active benefits realisation into programme plans to track delivery of the key improvements we aim to achieve:
- Increasing adoption of electronic health and care records across our services, with reduction of paper-based processes
- Build a comprehensive and integrated shared record to support health and care multi-disciplinary teams working across acute, community and primary care sectors
- Ensuring people, over time, routinely have online access to personal health and care records and are able to make appointments electronically and interact with services using digital tools
- Ensuring that access to records and digital tools is simple and straightforward for our staff and that they have secure access to the information that they need when they need it
- Engage with services to ensure that there are robust design principles and business cases in place
- Measuring against the national Health & Social Care Digital Maturity Assessment