Message from the Director of eHealth
During the development of this strategy I have been hugely impressed with the enthusiasm and input from our staff across all services in NHSGGC.
The previous strategy 2018-2022 was very well received and set out a range of programmes and innovation opportunities.
This new strategy, Digital on Demand, has been developed with staff and citizens and there has been extensive engagement to make sure that we have captured as many views as possible. The strategy builds on the investments made over the past 5 years and seeks to enable a range of transformation opportunities for the implementation of technology aligned to the Board’s corporate aims and objectives and our transformation plans set out within Moving Forward Together.
Over the past five years there has been significant progress across all of the main programmes. The COVID-19 pandemic meant that digital implementations were accelerated and in some cases new developments were delivered. Our innovation programme has been well established and has started to scale up a number of what started as small scale research and innovation initiatives, delivering real benefits to patients.
The strategy focusses on the delivery of digital to support transformation, increase our “digital maturity” make digital tools as accessible as possible and support staff and citizens to adopt these new technologies.
The strategy will be supported with a detailed Digital Delivery Plan for the next 5 years and each of the major programmes will include a business case to ensure that investment is targeted appropriately.
We will continue to work closely with staff and the public and encourage continued involvement in the delivery of the benefits of digital.