The citizens of Greater Glasgow & Clyde have input heavily into our planning for the next five years, with hundreds of online responses, attendance at dedicated group events and in some cases filmed interviews to support our work.
We asked 245 citizens to rank our revised core principles in order of importance, either for themselves or for somebody they care for.
Citizens ranked our core principles as follows:
- Listen to and learn from citizens and staff
- Provide robust, connected digital services
- Help citizens and staff access information to better inform decision making
- Maximise the benefits of technology
- Deliver solutions now and ready for the future
Citizens identified the following key topics:
- A personalised health and care service, powered by digital processes and platforms
- Joined-up systems which “talk to each other” to reduce repetition
- Making sure no-one is “left behind” if they are unable or unwilling to use Digital tools
- Improving communication between staff, patients and carers
- Reducing the administrative burden on clinical staff, enabling them to devote more time to direct patient care