Acute Sector Physiotherapists
Human impact story perspective: staff
Across NHSGGC we have approximately 450 Acute Sector Physiotherapists. The onset of COVID-19 and the introduction of social distancing necessitated a shift in the way training was delivered. New training priorities were rapidly established during the pandemic to accommodate redeployment, newly qualified practitioners, and new knowledge on COVID-19 management.
Acute Physiotherapy Practice Development facilitated delivery of 49 sessions of virtual learning presented by expert clinicians from a wide variety of clinical areas. Throughout this process considerable learning was achieved about how to deliver training virtually and best practice was determined.
After eight months of Practice Development-facilitated sessions, the staff were invited to state their requirements and ideas using a survey, email, telephone or Microsoft Teams. This established learning needs towards improving their skills for independently delivering learning and development virtually. Band 6 (B6) staff are expected to deliver most In-Service-Training, and as a team we wanted 80% of B6 Adult Acute Physiotherapy Staff to be competent in using virtual methods to deliver essential learning and development.
Actions included creating and circulating resources, training & advice specific to the needs of the Physiotherapists. An improvement group was formed with 30 members and was supported by a Microsoft Teams page for resources & peer support. We arranged three training sessions from digital experts bespoke to the stated needs, created six short videos, arranged peer support practice groups and online events.
As a result, 81% of B6 staff reported competency in delivering training via virtual means. This is an improvement of 76.5% since March 2020. The most commonly reported actions that nurtured improvement were time to practice with the systems (83%) and opportunities to deliver virtually. They also needed appropriate infrastructure, support and resources to assist with their learning. The effort by the team meant that wide-scale face-to-face and on-demand learning and development could be achieved over our large, diverse and ever-changing workforce.
Please note: photograph used was taken before COVID-19 face covering guidelines.