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NHS Forth Valley

Exercise is an important part of your treatment plan. There is emerging evidence that exercise both pre and post surgery improves surgical outcomes and reduces inpatient times in hospital (Ref: Royal College of General Practitioners).

Exercise also reduces your risk of many other serious health conditions, including heart disease, strokes, diabetes, dementia and improves your mental wellbeing, energy levels and sleep.

Try to find an activity you enjoy. The more activity you do, the better you will feel mentally and physically.

Moderate intense activity means that you could carry on a conversation while exercising. Vigorous intense activity means that you would be unable to say more than a few words without pausing for a breath.

To help you prepare for your planned treatment, pre and post surgery, this toolkit highlights practical ideas to help you to regularly move more. There are links to websites for you to access and do in your own time.

Please speak to your nurse about anything in this toolkit that you would like more information about or help with.


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