About this toolkit


Purpose and audience

The toolkit aims to help you make decisions about ways you can improve dementia services in your area.

We hope this toolkit brings existing Focus on dementia resources to a wider audience in a more useable format. The app allows you to view the Focus on dementia resources better on mobile devices so you can access our existing resources in different ways.

The resources contained in this toolkit are aimed at staff who work with people with dementia in different settings, such as: healthcare (including hospitals), in the community, and in primary care.

Toolkit structure

There are currently six resources in this toolkit and more will be added over time. The resources are arranged into three groups aligned to the current work strands of the Focus on dementia programme:

  • Care co-ordination in the community
  • Hospitals
  • Post-diagnostic support.

Key contact

Focus on dementia team - email


An accessibility check of the toolkit was done in May 2024 using the RDS standard operating procedure. The accessibility of the RDS platform technology is confirmed in the RDS accessibility statement at the bottom of every website page.

Content management

The content of this toolkit is from pre-existing Focus on dementia publications. These publications were all approved for publication by the appropriate groups at the time of publication. Some content in the toolkit has been slightly altered from the original documents to improve functionality and layout. The content of the toolkit was reviewed and signed-off by the Focus on dementia portfolio lead.

A systematic process was followed for the sourcing and evaluation of evidence that is included in each of the resources in the toolkit. The Focus on dementia team worked with the Evidence and Evaluation for Improvement Team (EEvIT) to do this.


The toolkit has been signed off by the Focus on dementia portfolio lead September 2024. The Focus on dementia team will oversee the ongoing development of the toolkit and the portfolio lead will take decisions about ongoing development and updating of the toolkit. Decisions about substantial updates and developments will be escalated to the Director if required.

There will be regular reviews of the toolkit content to ensure they are based on the best available evidence. This will be informed by our Delivery and Advisory Groups and Clinical Leads.


Content within the toolkit complies with copyright legislation and any required permission to embed content from external sources has been obtained.

All icons are sourced from Flaticon.com, accessed through the licence held by Tactuum Ltd as software provider of the RDS platform.

This toolkit is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. This allows for the copy and redistribution of this document as long as Healthcare Improvement Scotland is fully acknowledged and given credit. The material must not be remixed, transformed or built upon in any way. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.

Monitoring and acting on feedback and complaints

The Focus on Dementia team will follow the Healthcare Improvement Scotland process for handling complaints which is based on the NHS Model Complaints Handling Procedure.

Feedback and complaints should be sent to Focus on dementia team mailbox where they will be processed and responded to. Feedback received will be addressed by the Senior Improvement Advisor and if significant changes are required would be escalated to the Portfolio Lead.

Risk assessment

The content has been risk assessed:

  • The toolkit does not reference medicines.
  • No risks to the safety of patients or service users have been identified.

User testing

Functional, usability and user acceptance testing took place at a 22 July 2024 workshop. The Community Care and Dementia programme manager worked with the Right Decision Service (RDS) team to implement the required changes.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 07/11/2024

Next review date: 07/11/2025

Author(s): Fertility Scotland Network.