The following measures are for teams to use for person-centred care planning improvements. You may identify other concepts and changes that require measurement to further understand your progress towards improved care. Our team’s contact details are in the introduction section of the toolkit should you wish to discuss measurement for improvement.
Provision of meaningful activity
Percentage of patients within the ward who have meaningful activities recorded within their care plan daily. Numerator: The number of patients within the ward who have engagement with meaningful* activities documented within their care plan daily (previous three consecutive days). Denominator: Total number of care plans reviewed (10 inpatients, every two weeks). Percentage Calculation: (numerator/denominator) x 100.
Exclusion Criteria: In the event that a patient was unable to participate in meaningful activity in the preceding 3 days due to factors such as being unwell or not present on the ward (e.g. due to appointments elsewhere), they should be excluded and another patient’s notes selected in their place.
*Activity will be considered ‘meaningful’ if it has been identified as important to that person through the person-centred care planning process.
Person-centred care plan in place
Percentage of people in the ward who have:
- A documented person-centred plan of care which shows patient and / or carer involvement
- Individualised goals identified, or under development
- A plan of care related to their assessed needs.
It will be an all-or-nothing measure. Care plans require to have all aspects of the above definition to be compliant. Numerator: The number of patients who have a nursing care plan that meets the above criteria. Denominator: The number of care plans reviewed. Percentage Calculation: (numerator/denominator) x 100.
Number of falls
- Determine the numerator – the total number of in-patient falls.
- Determine the denominator – the total number of acute occupied bed days for the same
time period.
Calculate the falls rate by dividing the numerator by the denominator and then multiply this figure by 1000 to give the number of falls per 1000 acute occupied bed days (OBDs). Report the numerator and denominator monthly. Provide annotations as appropriate to reflect any interventions you made during the month.
Patient / carer experience
Qualitative data regarding the care experience of people with dementia in hospital and their carers / family members.
Teams should have a process in place for capturing the experience of people with dementia and their carers / family members who use their services. This should be used to identify improvements.
Tools and resources to support this include:
Staff experience
Teams should have a process in place for capturing the experience of staff working in the service. Tools to support this include: