Guidance on immediate safety planning before a CPPM is held:

  • from the point of identification of risk of immediate harm, the child must be seen by the lead professional regularly (and weekly as a minimum requirement)
  • the purpose of an interim safety plan is to ensure a child’s safety as immediately as necessary until such time as a CPPM is held
  • an interim safety plan is about safety right It is operational immediately those who are participants in the plan must understand and agree what they must do to ensure a child’s safety. Those party to the plan should be known sources of security for the child
  • the way that the child will be seen and heard during the period in which the plan is in place must be part of the plan. The child will be supported in understanding who they can speak with or contact at any A child’s version of the plan is recommended, developed with the child’s help and understanding as appropriate in each situation
  • the safety plan must be recorded and shared. It should be in plain language and practical detail, with no acronyms and no professional jargon
  • the needs and the harm that the plan must address must be defined if risk of harm is high in a specific context, this will be Agreement must be defined about how to avoid or minimise this risk
  • the actions that persons or services will take will be described
  • the ways in which the plan is monitored and the way in which any person or service
  • party to the plan can immediately signal concern must be defined
  • contact details for those with defined responsibilities within the interim safety plan will be included