1. Physical Separators
If samples are to be frozen, physical separators should be used. These devices:
- Provide a physical barrier between red cells and plasma thus preserve the plasma for serological testing
- Allow retention of the original sample bottle for subsequent checking of the patient information and previously applied laboratory barcode.
The method used to thaw frozen samples must ensure that the patient demographic details and specimen barcode label are not compromised.
2. Manual Separation of Samples
This process is not recommended due to the increased risk for error, however if samples must be separated in in this way, the process used must minimise this risk:
Ideally samples for separation should be dealt with on an individual basis and if part of a batch, removed to another rack, one at a time for aliquoting.
Frozen samples should adhere to the following guidelines for labelling:
The sample tube must be labelled using labels suitable for storage at -30OC and subsequent thawing at 370C, with the following information:
a) Laboratory Sample Identification Number (Barcoded and eye readable)
b) Patients:
- a) Identification Number (CHI, Hospital number)
- b) Surname
- c) Forename
- d) Date of Birth
- e) Date of separation