The SNBTS Transfusion Team administer the digital education programme, Learnbloodtransfusion (LBT), which is available throughout the United Kingdom (UK) and Republic of Ireland (ROI).
The programme aims to provide an evidence-based educational resource for practitioners working in transfusion to improve transfusion safety for patients receiving blood components.
Modules can be accessed via LearnPro NHS website. To establish which sections of course you require to complete, please refer to the Training Matrix document.
The course is made up of 11 modules, a non-assessed animated training video and two role-specific pathways covering a range of topics and applicable to different levels of expertise and different clinical roles within transfusion practice:
- Safe transfusion practice*
- Safe transfusion practice for paediatrics*
- Blood components and indications for use*
- Good manufacturing practice for hospital blood banks
- Good manufacturing practice for blood establishments
- Anti-D clinical
- Anti-D laboratory
- Learn cell salvage
- Consent for transfusion
- Safe transfusion laboratory practice
- Acute transfusion reactions
- Safe blood sampling for transfusion (video)
- Blood collection pathway (for non-registered staff involved in the collection procedure)
- Phlebotomy pathway (for staff involved in the sampling procedure)
Modules with an assessment element have an 80% pass mark. There is also an opportunity to print off a certificate of completion. Your personal certificate of learning can be accessed via the ‘certificate’ tab on your Learnpro profile.
The programme is credit rated by Edinburgh Napier University and each module is aligned to the Scottish Credits & Qualification Framework (SCQF).
The LBT Editorial Board oversees the LBT workplan with members from the four UK and Irish blood transfusion services contributing to the LBT education agenda.
The LBT editorial group report to the UK and Republic of Ireland (ROI) SNBTS Transfusion Team Network group.