At the request of the Scottish Government, all local authorities undertook a national school Health & Wellbeing Census during the 2021/22 session. All primary and secondary pupils from P5 to S6 had the chance to undertake the survey, which was designed to find out about the health and wellbeing of children and young people at a local level. The questions in the survey were age appropriate and covered a range of health and wellbeing topics including mental health, social media, bullying, relationships, eating and sleeping behaviours. Individual, school level reports will be available to help inform planning around health and wellbeing.
View the School Health and Wellbeing Census 2021/22 here.
Previously, Glasgow has carried out a school health and wellbeing survey in conjunction with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) for a number of years. The results of the most recent surveys can be found below.