(Duration 13min 34s)
IDDSI and Dysphagia Videos
The first 3 videos provide an overview of IDDSI and dysphagia, including all IDDSI levels 0-7, hydration and food fortification.
The videos below, show demonstrations by an IDDSI trained chef. This gives insight into how some everyday foods can be modified to the correct recommended textures. The videos are broken down into the different components of the meal for easy accessibility.
UPDATE - Video Disclaimer
In reference to slide 13, the term 'Oral Intake With Accepted Risk' (OIWAR) has now been replaced, in Greater Glasgow & Clyde and by the RCSLT (Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists) with the phrase 'Eating and Drinking with Risk' (EADAR). Please be aware that this terminology will now be used by health care professionals when discussing and referring to this situation (Duration 12min 37s) (Duration 10min 34s)