Please contact us via email ( or phone (0141 287 0295) with your full name and date of birth if you would like any of these unlocked
Worry – This module will help you learn about the role that worry plays in anxiety and how to manage your worry.
Facing Your Fears – This module Break your fears down into small steps in order to face them, using a CBT technique called 'graded exposure'.
My Self-Esteem and I - This module is about an often ignored relationship: the one we have with ourselves. This involves our beliefs about ourselves and how we tend to act towards ourselves.
Sleep Difficulties - This module takes a closer look at sleep and helps you to understand your difficulties with sleep.
Money Worries – This module will show you how to reduce the impact of money problems on wellbeing and mental health with some practical solutions.
Relaxation - This module introduces you to some relaxation techniques that you can use in your day-to-day life.
Employment Support - This module takes a look at some of the difficulties you may encounter in work, or when returning to work after a period of unemployment.
Behavioural Experiments - In this module, you will learn how to test your negative thoughts and predictions.
Communication & Relationships - This module focuses on the way we communicate and relate to people in our lives. It looks at what we can do to make our relationships satisfying.
Anger Management - This module will help you to gain a better understanding of your anger. You will learn to how to manage your anger more effectively.
Grief & Loss - This module explores the experience of loss and helps you to understand your own unique grieving process.