Procedures not routinely provided by NHSScotland
Surgery performed primarily for breast uplift (with small elements of reduction).
Clinical Psychology
All approved referrals will be seen by a specialist Clinical Psychologist.
Patients undergoing reconstructive surgery may not require psychological assessment. This decision will be at the discretion of the surgical team.
Greater than or equal to 20 and less than or equal to 27.
BMI less than or equal to 35 may be considered in patients undergoing a planned programme of reconstructive surgery.
Considerations for treatment
Indications for referral
Congenital asymmetry greater than 1 cup size.
Congenital deformity e.g. Poland’s Syndrome, tuberous breast.
Intractable intertrigo.
Significant psychological distress combined with one of the above.
Contraindications for referral
Simple cosmetic uplift.
Surgery to reverse the normal ageing or post-involutional changes will not be supported.
Waiting Times
These patients are not subject to the 18 Weeks Referral to Treatment Standard.
Some patients may be subject to guarantee times within other pathways.
Treatment for these conditions is not routinely offered by NHSScotland and can only be provided on an exceptional case basis in line with the guidelines contained in this protocol.