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We need your feedback!  Please take 2mins to tell us what you think & suggest future topics



Key contacts

Feedback should be provided directly within the Renal App.

Additional feedback should be via: 


Co-leads of Renal App Group:

Dr Mark Findlay, Consultant Nephrologist, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow

Dr Jamie Traynor, Consultant Nephrologist, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow


Content management and governance


The content in this toolkit has been developed by clinical leads or nominated team members throughout the multidisciplinary team of the Glasgow Renal and Transplant Unit. Specific authorship is provided in each document where relevant. 

Appropriateness, relevance and update of content remains with the following leads for each section: 

Home Therapies: Dr Emily McQuarrie

CKD: Nurse Diane Wright 

Renal Dietary Advice: Ms Angela Doherty

Review and approval

Content has been reviewed and approved by clinical leads or nominated team members throughout the multidisciplinary team of the Glasgow Renal and Transplant Unit. The conceptualization of a patient facing app was supported by the Renal/CIC Clinical Governance Group.

Final content was signed off by Renal App Leads, Drs Findlay and Traynor.

The content will be considered for update 3 years from publication. Any minor updates brought to the  attention will be dealt with on an "as needed" basis.

Content updates on the Right Decisions platform will be carried out by the Renal App team, with support from the Right Decision Service team when required.


All documents contained within this App are original work of the Glasgow Renal and Transplant unit. 

There are multiple links to external sites. Copyright and responsibility of content remains with those sites.  

All icons are from, accessed through the licence held Tactuum Ltd for the resources supported by the software platform it provides.

Monitoring and acting on feedback and complaints

The generic email for the Glasgow Renal and Transplant unit is available in the "Contacts" section above and can be used to highlight any feedback or complaints.

Any messages received through the RDS Feedback form will also be forwarded to the App Leads.

The App Leads will address the feedback with involvement of the wider multidisciplinary team where relevant. 

User testing

The toolkit was user tested by the group of clinicians and people with lived experience in the guideline development group throughout its development.