- Remdesivir is an expensive treatment, and the principle of cost-effective prescribing should be followed.
- The decision to initiate treatment with remdesivir should be made by the admitting care consultant. The decision to treat with remdesivir is not an emergency and should be made judiciously after assessment and in a timely manner.
- Remdesivir should not be initiated in patients who present to hospital and are unlikely to survive (determined by clinical judgement).
- Remdesivir should generally not be initiated in patients who present to hospital more than 10 days after symptom onset. Where use is considered beyond 10 days of symptoms onset (e.g. in heavily immunocompromised patients) this should be discussed with the infectious diseases consultant on-call.
- Where the only eligibility criteria from TA878 are either BMI>30, diabetes mellitus, or hypertension approval from the infectious diseases consultant on-call is required.