Needlesticks PEP/PEPSE
Below are the current (February 2020) versions of NHS Lothian PEP and PEPSE guidelines, along with additional documentation that can be used during the assessment of BBV exposure. Patient information leaflets are also below.
NHS Lothian Needlestick Management Protocol
Additional PEP documentation
BBV Exposure Risk Assessment Form
BBV Background Information for Risk Assessment
PEP following sexual exposure (PEPSE)
PEPSE and non-occupation exposure to BBV
Information Leaflets for Patients
Please note that the information leaflets below can also be used for patients presenting following sexual exposure or needlestick injury.
Needlestick Injuries Prevention of HIV Infection A Factsheet for Patients
Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Antiretroviral Starter Pack
Testing for Blood Borne Viruses
NB: These documents are part of the NHS Lothian Working with Blood Borne Viruses Policy, available at Policy Online.