Munira is a 14-year old S3 school pupil from an immigrant family. She is quiet and reserved, works hard, and has needed support for bullying in the past. She attends the words for wellbeing sessions which the librarian Alex organises at lunchtimes, and Alex is pleased to see her contributing and enjoying listening to the discussion. In one session, they read a passage from Sarah Crossan’s book The weight of water. They talk about its themes of courage and perseverance in dealing with the experience of being a refugee and an outsider. At the end of the session, Munira stays on and tells Alex how helpful she found the book and the session. She reveals that she has been feeling very depressed and struggling with suicidal thoughts, and now feels ready to ask for help. |
Scenario 2: disclosure of risk of harm to self
Tap each title to expand. Work through each section in numerical order |
Alex takes time out to listen to Munira. In line with school policy, he arranges for her to meet with the guidance counsellor to discuss her situation. He directs her to the NHS inform 24/7 Mental Health Hub and also highlights the Samaritans and Childline helplines to speak to someone when she feels overwhelmed. They also identify factsheets, an app, and other sources of support for young people from the Young Scot and SAMH websites. Alex also uses the Escape Connect Relate booklist to recommend other books that Munira might find helpful. |