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Announcements and latest updates
- What does this medicine do?
- Why is it important that I take this medicine?
- Are there any other treatment options?
- When and how should I take it?
- How long should I take it for?
- Where can I go for more information? You will find some useful information resources here - More Information
- How do I know the medicine is helping?
- Is it doing what I expected to help my health issue?
- Do I really need to take these medicines?
- How can I be sure the medicine is safe for me to take?
- What are the possible risks and side effects? Have I noticed any changes to my health, behaviour or mood since you started taking this medicine?
- What should I do if I get one of these effects? See the Yellow Card website.
- Could another medicine do a better job, with less risk?
- What if I stopped taking it, or took a lower dose?
- What other medicines, drinks, foods or activities should I be aware of when I am taking this medicine?
- Do I need regular check-ups once I start this medicine?
- What should I do if I become ill while taking this medicine? You will find useful information on this issue here in the What to do when you are ill section.
- How easy do I find it to take all my medicines?
- Am I prescribed any medicines that I no longer take?
- Is there anything that can help to remind me to take my medicines?
- Can I have containers that are easier to open?