- Tranexamic acid (Cyclokapron) 100mg/ml. Clear, colourless fluid for injection supplied as a glass ampoule of 1 g in 10ml.
Tranexamic Acid for use in Post Partum Haemorrhage (619)

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Intravenous Tranexamic Acid – Guidance for use in post partum haemorrhage
- Tranexamic acid exerts an anti-fibrinolytic effect through the inhibition of plasmin. It can be used to prevent bleeding or treat bleeding associated with excessive fibrinolysis.
- The WOMAN trial defined “clinically diagnosed post-partum haemorrhage” as clinically estimated blood loss of more than 500 ml after a vaginal birth or 1000 ml after caesarean section, or any blood loss sufficient to compromise haemodynamic stability.
- The initial dose of TXA should be administered within 3 hours of birth, at a fixed dose of 1g (100mg/ml) intravenously at 1ml per minute (i.e. administered over 10–20 minutes). NB - infusion rate of more than 1ml/minute can cause hypotension.
- Initial administration of TXA beyond 3 hours does not confer any clinical benefit.
- A second dose of TXA of 1g (100mg/ml), IV at 1ml per minute should be administered if bleeding continues after 30 minutes, or if bleeding restarts within 24 hours of completing the first dose
- The use of TXA should be avoided in women with a clear contraindication to anti-fibrinolytic therapy
- TXA is just one part of PPH management. Surgical source control and haemostasis, early resuscitation, involvement of senior staff and management of coagulopathy remain the most important interventions.