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  6. Maternal Sepsis (572)
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Maternal Sepsis (572)

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NB  Sepsis can kill mothers AND babies. If either of this pairing is infected ensure that those looking after the mother/baby know about this promptly to ensure risk evaluation of cross-infection is made.

Sepsis remains an important cause of maternal death (1). The development of sepsis is often insidious and the physiological adaptations in normal pregnancy may mask developing sepsis or make it more difficult to identify. Once infection becomes systemic the woman’s condition can deteriorate extremely rapidly over the course of a few hours into septic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation and multi-organ failure2. A high index of suspicion should be maintained.

Briefly learn that SIRS > sepsis > septic shock unless appropriate action taken

 SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome) -  a  clinical state consisting of two or more coexisting conditions: fever or hypothermia, tachycardia, tachypnoea, and an abnormally high leukocyte count.

Severe sepsis with acute organ dysfunction has a mortality rate of 20-30%, rising to 40-50% if septic shock (sepsis with hypotension refractory to fluid resuscitation) develops. Severe Sepsis with multi-organ failure carries a mortality rate >60%3.

The purpose of this guideline is to provide a structured approach to investigation and management of these women. The screening tool is to be filed in the patient notes and completed goals documented.


Signs and symptoms

Modified Early Warning Scoring System charts should be used to aid timely recognition, treatment and referral of women who have or who are developing a critical condition. These do not take into account the physiological changes in pregnancy, however, they allow a trend in the patients’ observations to be documented and acted upon. SEE SEPSIS SCREENING TOOL BELOW

In labour changes in some parameters are highlighted in red and should be considered. Err on overdiagnosis / response if in doubt

Temperature <36°C or >38°C 4

In labour a temperature of ≥ 37.5°C on 2 separate occasions at least 2 hours apart

Persistent tachycardia > 100bpm5

>110bpm in labour

Tachypnoea >20 breaths per minute4

>22 in labour

WCC <4 or >16 x 109 /L  4

WCC in labour >20 x 109 /L(although WCC of up to 30 have been seen in labour, a WCC of 20 is the generally recommended threshold for investigation in the literature)3,5

Oliguria <0.5mls/hour4

Arterial Hypoxaemia <8k Pa on air and/or metabolic acidosis pH <7.35 / H+ >45nmol/l

(pregnancy results in a relative respiratory alkalosis)4

Hypotension MAP <65mmHg or systolic BP <90mmHg4

Abnormal U&Es, LFTs , Coagulation 

CRP – However a normal CRP may be falsely reassuring and does not rule out systemic sepsis.  There is often a delay in CRP increase in acute sepsis.

Fetal tachycardia and/or non reassuring CTG

  • this can be evidence of intrauterine infection / choriomamnioitis
  • these changes may serve as an early warning sign for derangements in maternal end-organ systems  

Hyperglycaemia in the absence of diabetes

The Common Organisms

The organisms most commonly implicated are2:

  • Streptococcus pyogenes ( Group A strep)
  • Group B streptococcus 
  • Escherichia coli
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Gram- positive and gram – negative mixed infections
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Klebsiella
  • Enterococcus faecalis
  • MRSA


Seek the organism

This should ideally be guided by the history and take place before administration of antibiotics – HOWEVER, do not delay starting antibiotic therapy.

  • Take a History and examine the patient
  • Blood cultures
  • Midstream specimen of urine
  • Stool cultures
  • Vaginal swabs
  • Wound/perineal swabs
  • Placental swabs if delivered
  • Baby/fetal swabs if delivered
  • Chest X ray
  • Throat swabs
  • Imaging of the abdomen if suspected intra-abdominal sepsis
  • Breast examination
  • Wound examination
  • Consider the need for:
    • Lumbar puncture
    • Respiratory secretions culture


  • FBC +/- blood film
  • CRP
  • LFT
  • Group and Save (X-match if appropriate : see separate MSBOS)
  • Consider Blood Gas analysis (NOT ROUTINE)

Serum lactate

A measure of tissue perfusion and prognostic indicator4.  This can be performed on a venous or arterial blood gas.  A lactate of >4 mmol/l is indicative of tissue hypoperfusion.

  • 2.1- 3.9 Intermediate
  • > 4 Severe



  • Broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics can be life saving. Immediate aggressive treatment should be initiated as each hour of delay is associated with a measurable increase in mortality3
  • Microbiology advice should be sought in severe sepsis or septic shock.
  • Breastfeeding may limit the use of some antimicrobials.
  • If no response after 24-48hrs of antibiotics consider change/addition of antibiotics under microbiology guidance.

See the Antibiotics Policy for Obstetric Patients GG&C guideline. The following table summarises GGC Antibiotic guidance in SEPSIS only. 

Haemodynamic Management

  • Loss of vasomotor tone, myocardial depression and increased vascular permeability contribute to the real risk of pulmonary oedema3. Fluid therapy should be titrated against the womans urine output, blood pressure and central venous pressure (if CVP line in place).
  • Initial fluid bolus of 500mls Hartmanns over 30 mins (caution in PET)
  • Hourly urine output >25mls/hr
  • Mean arterial pressure >65mmHg (used in discussion with anaesthetics)
    • Vasopressors indicated if the MAP is <65mmHg after adequate fluid resuscitation 
  • Consideration of central venous monitoring
    • if CVP line in place aim for CVP 8-12 mmHg 


Blood Products

  • Transfuse if Hb<70g/L until in the range 70 to 90g/L2
  • Keep platelet >50 x109/L if there is a significant risk of bleeding or if surgery or invasive procedures are planned
  • Be guided by haematological advice


Focus of infection

The focus of infection may need surgical evacuation, drainage or excision of necrotic tissue , e.g. uterine evacuation or breast, wound or pelvic abscess drainage 



  • TEDS
  • Low molecular weight heparin2
    • Prophylactic dose based on most recent weight
    • Once platelet count reviewed


The Fetus

  • The decision regarding timing and mode of delivery will be made by a consultant obstetrician.
  • During the intrapartum period continuous electronic fetal monitoring should be employed in gestations from 26+0 weeks. Below this gestation, discuss fetal monitoring with the Consultant Obstetrician. 
  • If delivery is required the choice of anaesthesia will be made after discussion with a Consultant Anaesthetist.
  • The paediatric team must be informed of any neonate born to a mother with suspected sepsis


Multidisciplinary Team

  • Consultant Obstetrician
  • Consultant Anaesthetist
  • Intensive care specialists
  • Microbiology
  • Haematology
  • Appropriate specific specialty (e.g. Surgical, renal etc.)
  • Pharmacy


Indications for Referral to ITU2

  • Cardiovascular - Hypotension or raised serum lactate persisting despite fluid resuscitation, suggesting the need for inotrope support
  • Respiratory - Pulmonary oedema/ Mechanical ventilation/ Airway protection
  • Renal - Renal dialysis
  • Neurological - Significantly decreased conscious level
  • Miscellaneous - Multi-organ failure/ Uncorrected acidosis/ Hypothermia

Referral to ITU should be from a discussion with the consultant obstetrician and consultant anaesthetist.

Once referral for ITU care has been made, the patient should continue receiving at least level 2 care until transferred out of the Obstetric HDU.  This includes maintaining CVP ≥ 8 mmHg, MAP >65mmHg (used in discussion with anaesthetics) and monitoring of appropriate bloods.

There is no place in this guideline for the use of high dose corticosteroids or recombinant human activated protein C


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 17/09/2019

Next review date: 31/12/2022

Author(s): Julie Murphy.

Version: 2

Approved By: Obstetrics Clinical Governance Group

Document Id: 572

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