- Ideally avoid in pregnancy as lithium carries a known risk of teratogenic effects.
- Discuss risks and benefits in all women of childbearing potential considering lithium treatment.
- The discussion should include contraceptive advice.
- Document this discussion and subsequent consent.
- 'BUMPS' website should be used to reinforce verbal information
Use of lithium in pregnancy & breastfeeding
If a woman taking lithium becomes pregnant take the following actions
- Confirm the pregnancy as early as possible.
- Seek advice on management from the Peri-natal service.
- If pregnancy is confirmed in the first trimester and the woman is stable, consider stopping lithium gradually over 4 weeks and inform the woman that this may not remove the risk of cardiac defects in the foetus.
- Consider offering an antipsychotic as prophylactic medication.
- Offer appropriate screening and counselling about the continuation of pregnancy, the need for additional monitoring and the risk to the foetus of remaining on lithium.
- Record details of all advice given and the woman's consent to treatment.
If lithium treatment is to continue:
- Check lithium levels every 4 weeks
- Then weekly from the 36th week
- Then less than 24 hours after child birth
- The dose should be adjusted to keep levels within the therapeutic range
- The newborn baby should have a full paediatric assessment and social and medical help should be provided for the mother and child
More information on the use of lithium in pregnancy is available in appendix 3 of the attached lithium standards
Women on lithium who wish to breastfeed should:
- Be given advice on the risks and benefits of breastfeeding.
- Be advised not to if taking lithium and an alternative prophylactic agent should be offered.