Surplus Tissue Acquistion (STA)


Surplus tissue acquisition (STA) is the process where leftover samples of tissue and other specimens are donated by consenting patients who have undergone surgery or other more minor medical procedures during the course of routine investigations and treatment. Such samples are vital for researchers seeking to improve the detection and treatment of many different diseases as well as advance our understanding of how and why they arise.

GGC patient information leaflet and processes used to inform patients and capture their generic consent for use of their surplus tissue in research have been approved by an NHS Research Ethics Committee. 

Healthcare professionals who are interested in notifying patients of donating surplus tissue may provide the patient information leaflet and consent electronically using Clinical Portal.

Further information for staff interested in accessing STA mental health sample collections is available from NHS GGC Biorepository




Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 28/03/2024

Next review date: 31/03/2025

Author(s): Mental Health Research Manger.

Version: 1.0

Author email(s): .

Approved By: Deputy Medical Director, Mental Health and Addictions

Reviewer name(s): Mental Health Research Manger.