
This guidance sets out the governance process for NHS Ayrshire & Arran clinical guidelines, policies, procedures and pathways. It sets out the process to ensure clinical guidance is developed and agreed consistently, ensuring all key staff are involved and informed, and that the guidance reflects best practice. Furthermore, the process aims to ensure that clinical guidelines and pathways are kept under regular review and are up to date.

This will support:

  • Governance.
  • Review of clinical guidelines.
  • Reduce potential duplication.
  • Lessen the use of out-of-date guidelines.

The development of clinical guidance documents may be commissioned by senior managers or identified as required by clinicians (this should be discussed and agreed with Senior Managers).This activity will be supported by the relevant corporate processes e.g. Governance Support staff can support staff through the development and endorsement process.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 25/01/2024

Next review date: 25/01/2027

Author(s): Wands J.

Version: 01.0

Author email(s): julie.wands@aapct.scot.nhs.uk.

Approved By: Governance Support; Chief Nurse Excellence in Care