Place of delivery guideline
All mothers booked for delivery at the Borders General Hospital should be delivered within NHS Borders with the exception of the following:
Fetal reasons
- Those presenting at less than 32 weeks as detailed in the preterm labour guideline.
- Those with a known fetal abnormality in which it has been deemed more appropriate to deliver at another centre. This is on an individual basis, and requires a decision at consultant level.
Maternal reasons
- Those with an anterior placenta praevia overlying a previous cesarean section scar as detailed in the placenta praevia and accreta: diagnosis and management guideline.
- Those with a known maternal medical condition which it has been deemed more appropriate to deliver at another centre. This is on an individual basis, and requires a decision at consultant level.
- Consideration should also be given to mothers who are likely to decline blood or blood products as detailed in the refusal of blood and blood products guideline. This is on an individual basis, and requires a decision at consultant level.