Diabetes ICP1: Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)



To ensure that all staff have clear guidance to follow when a child or young person up to 16 years of age presents in diabetic ketoacidosis (either newly diagnosed patient or patient with known diabetes).


All medical and nursing staff, and professionals allied to medicine within Children’s Services.


All medical and nursing staff, and professionals allied to medicine within Children’s Services.

The NHS Borders paediatric diabetes team recommend using the RHCYP Edinburgh Diabetes ICP for the management of Diabetes, in agreement with the Edinburgh teams. Please note the pathways will refer to Edinburgh teams contact details, see below for the BGH contact details.
The RHCYPE ICP can be printed and filled out for calculations and used a reference guidelines, but documentation should still be completed on BGH paperwork and prescriptions filled out in line with BGH prescribing practices.

Guideline can be found by clicking link below

Integrated Care Pathway:  Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Disclaimer for use on Printed Pathway

This Integrated Care Pathway (ICP) was developed by the Diabetes Team, Royal Hospital for Children & Young People (RHCYP), Edinburgh for the management of children with Type I Diabetes attending the RHCYP, Edinburgh. The ICP does not provide all training required for individual personnel to be competent in the management of paediatric diabetes. The ICP should be regarded as providing only one component of any recipient organisation’s own comprehensive training programme. NHS Lothian uses reasonable endeavours to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the ICP but no guarantees are made that the information contained in the ICP is accurate, complete or current at any given time. Any information in the ICP is used as general information and is not warranted by NHS Lothian or any other health organisation, nor should it be taken as advice. No responsibility can be accepted by NHS Lothian or any other health organisation for action or in-action as a result of information contained in the ICP. Specific advice should be sought in specific situations from a suitably qualified expert.

Contact Point

Dr Graeme Eunson. Paediatric Diabetes Consultant 01896 826676

Dr Alexander McNeil. Paediatric Diabetes Consultant 01896 826788

Richard Collins. Paediatric Diabetes nurse Specialist 01896 826 696 or 07747757495

Allana Gillies. Paediatric Diabetes Dietician 07766780399

Editorial Information

Next review date: 31/03/2026

Approved By: NHS Lothian

Reviewer name(s): Eunson G, McNeil A, Gillies A, Collins R.