About NHS Borders Education toolkit

About NHS Borders Education toolkit

The aim of NHS Borders Education toolkit is to make it easier for NHS Borders Staff and local Health & Social Care Partnership staff to access up to date information about placements and training, particularly student nurses and junior doctors.

The Right Decisions web and mobile app are part of the Right Decision Service (RDS.) The RDS is endorsed and funded by Scottish Government Digital Health and Care as Scotland’s national decision support service. It is a key deliverable from Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy and Delivery Plan.


The content in this toolkit has been developed and reviewed by NHS Borders C&PD staff.

Contact: Suzy Cuthbert, Assistant Librarian


The content within the toolkit complies with copyright legistlation and permission to embed content from external sources has been obtained where required.

Flaticon ® images have been used as icons within this toolkit. The RDS use of Flaticon ® images is covered by the licence paid by Tactuum Ltd as software provider of the RDS platform.

Unless otherwise indicated, copyright in this app/website is retained by NHS Borders 2024.


NHS Borders is committed to making its websites and mobile applications accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

This accessibility statement applies to NHS Borders content provided on Right Decisions (RDS).

RDS technology complies with W3C AA standards and further information can be found in the RDS accessibility statement