Upcoming student events
Peer support sessions
Take the opportunity to meet other local students or those currently on placement. Open to all local students and those on placement in NHS Borders. Supported by ENU student experience, HEI and PEF.
Next date:
7th November, Darnick Room, Education Centre
Midwifery: 1330 – 1430
Adult and child health: 1430 – 1530
Mental health and learning disability: 1530 – 1630
Please contact PEFCHEFEnquiries (NHS Borders) PEFCHEFEnquiries@borders.scot.nhs.uk for more information.
Student Engagement EventsNHS Borders Student Engagement Event
Next date TBC. Sessions are being planned for January and April 2025.
NHS Borders welcomes you to our Student nurse and midwife engagement event.
Target Group- All student nurses and midwives undertaking practice placements within NHS Borders
Aim: To create a supportive environment for student nurses and midwives on placement within NHS Borders
- Describe NHS Borders systems, processes and relevant protocols in relation to patient safety
- Develop a supportive student network
- Describe the importance of self-care and well-being
- Describe values, professionalism, and responsibilities in relation to the student nurse role
Any questions or suggestions, please contact PEFCHEFEnquiries (NHS Borders) PEFCHEFEnquiries@borders.scot.nhs.uk
NHS Borders Open Day
5 March 2025.
10-2. More information to follow.
Glucose meter virtual training sessions
12 November
13 December
Each date has sessions taking place at 11am and 2pm, which will last approximately 30 minutes.
To arrange the date and time of the session you would like to attend on Teams, email: bor.pointofcareservice@borders.scot.nhs.uk
Band 4 posts
Usually advertised around September - November every year keep an eye on NHS Scotland Recruitment for more posts advertised.
Recruitment days
Posts for Newly qualified practitioner jobs advertised on NHS Scotland Recruitment from March with a view to attending a recruitment day in April. Bring your completed application form and prepare for interview on that day. Candidates will then be matched to available jobs.
Next recruitment open day:
16 April 2025. More information to follow.