Cancer Services Information on NHSGGC Website
The web page linked above has lots of information on cancer services in the GGC area including The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Improving the Cancer Journey, The role of cancer charities, screening information and other cancer resources / news.
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre
For cancer professionals involved with or interested in the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre (BWoSCC) we have information on careers within cancer, external professional education courses, catchment area and clinical partners.
West of Scotland Cancer Network (WoSCAN)
‘The West of Scotland Cancer Network is a collaborative embracing the four NHS Boards in the West of Scotland; Ayrshire and Arran, Forth Valley, Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Lanarkshire. Together with our regional Managed Clinical Networks (MCNs), Speciality Networks (Pharmacy and Nursing) and hosted National Managed Clinical Networks we want to ensure that care for people with cancer is of the highest standard’.
Information for Healthcare Professionals.