Important: Therapy
Oral Flucloxacillin5 1g 6 hourly
Penicillin allergy
Oral Co-trimoxazole2,10,12,13 960mg 12 hourly
Oral Clindamycin12 450mg 6 hourly
Total duration: Liaise with Diabetologist and consider OPAT.
test announcement
Liaise with Diabetologist and consider OPAT.
Oral Flucloxacillin5 1g 6 hourly
Penicillin allergy
Oral Co-trimoxazole2,10,12,13 960mg 12 hourly
Oral Clindamycin12 450mg 6 hourly
Total duration: Liaise with Diabetologist and consider OPAT.
IV Flucloxacillin5, 10 2g 6 hourly
+ Oral / IV Metronidazole12 400mg / 500mg 8 hourly
Penicillin allergy
Oral / IV Co-trimoxazole2,10,12,13 960mg 12 hourly
+ Oral / IV Metronidazole12 400mg / 500mg 8 hourly
Oral / IV Clindamycin12 600mg 6 hourly
Total Duration: Liaise with Diabetologist and consider OPAT.
IV Flucloxacillin5, 10 2g 6 hourly
+ IV Clindamycin 600mg 6 hourly
+ IV Gentamicin3
Penicillin allergy or MRSA suspected
IV Vancomycin3
+ IV Clindamycin 600mg 6 hourly
+ IV Gentamicin3
Total Duration: Liaise with Diabetologist and consider OPAT.
Ulcers always colonised. Antibiotics do not improve healing unless active infection.
Notify diabetologist at first opportunity.
Send specimen for culture and review previous microbiology. Sampling for cultures requires cleaning then vigorous curettage and aspiration.
Review antibiotics after culture results.
Doses may need to be adjusted in renal impairment. Always check the BNF for interactions. Seek advice if patient pregnant.
Drug Specific Cautions: