Askina DresSil Border®
Size & Product Code:
- 3 Pack / 10 Pack:
- 7.5cm x 7.5cm | 5397503 / 5397510
- 10cm x 10cm | 5391003 / 5391010
- 15cm x 15cm | 5391503 / 5391510
- 15cm x 20cm | 5395203 / 5395210
- 5 Pack:
Acute Formulary Product: Urgotul Absorb Border®
Askina DresSil Sacrum®
Size & Product Code:
Acute Formulary Product: Allevyn Life Sacrum®
Kliniderm® Foam Silicone Border
Size & Product Code:
- 7.5cm x 7.5cm | 40514828
- 10cm x 10cm | 40514829
- 12.5cm x 12.5cm | 40514830
- 10cm x 30cm | 40514833
Acute Formulary Product: N/A
Prescribing Notes:
- Indications for Use:
- Pressure ulcers.
- Venous leg ulcers.
- Diabetic foot ulcers.
- Traumatic wounds.
- Surgical wounds.
- 1st and 2nd degree burns.
- Donor sites.
- Skin tears.
- Contraindications:
- Not suitable for known sensitivity to silicone.