NHS Tayside staff intranet or webpages
- Adult Support and Protection
- Child Protection
- Violence and Aggression 2020
- Spiritual Care Team
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Child Protection
- Adult Protection
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Mental Health and Learning Disability Service
- Living Life Well Programme
- Suicide Prevention
- Supporting Children and Young People at risk of Self Harm & Suicide
LearnPro, Turas or NES (please log in and navigate to your module of choice)
LearnPro Modules
- Mental Wellbeing and Resilience
- NES Mental Health Improvement and Suicide Prevention
LearnPro Events learnPro NHS - Login (learnprouk.com)
- Suicide Intervention and Prevention Programme (SIPP)
- Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
- Suicide Safety Plan