- Orthopaedic and Vascular consultant should attend. Plastic Surgery should attend if open fracture
- Patients should be aware of the substantial risk of amputation for some injuries
- Two consultants should be involved in the decision to perform early amputation
- Beyond 3-4 hours, warm ischaemia results in irreversible tissue damage and an increasing risk of amputation. Risks of delayed revascularisation include myoglobinuria and may be associated with increased mortality. Access incisions should be planned to facilitate soft tissue coverage
- Vascular surgery ideally performed first.
- Prioritise haemorrhage control and revascularisation. This may involve external fixation and temporary shunts.
Repair of identified nerve injuries is subsequently performed (delay if damage control).
- Low threshold for post reperfusion fasciotomy.
Admit all patients to a critical care environment post operatively.