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About NHS Borders Patient Information toolkit

The aim of NHS Borders Patient Information toolkit is to make it easier for NHS Borders Patients, Staff and local Health & Social Care Partnership staff to access up to date local patient information.

The Right Decisions web and mobile app are part of the Right Decision Service (RDS.) The RDS is endorsed and funded by Scottish Government Digital Health and Care as Scotland’s national decision support service. It is a key deliverable from Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy and Delivery Plan.

Current and archived copies of Patient Information are retained by Clinical Governance & Quality and the relevant department/ service.

Governance process for Patient Information

All Patient Information on NHS Borders Patient Information toolkit have been through Clinical Governance & Quality process in line with NHS Borders Public Information Policy outlined in the Governance section of this toolkit.  When a new or reviewed version of patient information is approved, it is passed to Clinical Governance & Quality team to upload or update the content. 

Version and review dates for patient information is visible to the right of the information There will also be a warning notice if the information has passed its review date.

Ongoing content approval, development and updating of the toolkit comes under the remit of NHS Borders Clinical Governance & Quality Effectiveness Administrator.

Medicines information comes under the remit of the Area Drugs and Therapeutic Committee and should be approved through them prior to upload to RDS.

Quality assurance

  • risks to safety of patients/service users and staff have been identified and mitigated
  • functional testing, usability testing and user acceptance testing have been carried out
  • a plan has been defined for monitoring and acting on feedback and complaints

Reliability of information

NHS Borders uses its best efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information on this toolkit in accordance with the policies defined for this toolkit. However, no guarantees are made that the information contained on this toolkit or on linked websites is accurate, complete, and current at any given time. Information presented on this toolkit or associated sites may be changed at any time. The resources made available on this toolkit are intended to assist health and social care professionals and citizens in NHS Borders and are for information only. The toolkit is not intended in any way to replace the advice of health and care professionals.

Nothing on this toolkit is intended to constitute advice. Specific advice should be sought in specific situations from a properly qualified health or care professional.

Users of this toolkit agree to inform NHS Borders using the feedback form on RDS if they should come across any material contained which they consider to be potentially in breach of any of the published NHS Borders policies or of any relevant legislation for the appropriate remedial action to be taken.

Accessing & Downloading the mobile app

The mobile app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

  1. Search your app store for Right Decisions 
  2. Install Right Decisions: Health & Care (Tactuum) 
  3. Open the app and "Get started"
  4. Choose if you wish to select resources only for health & social care staff.
  5. Search or browse for NHS Borders and choose appropriate toolkit e.g. NHS Borders Patient Information.
  6. Select "Add to my toolkits"
  7. Open toolkit.

The toolkit will be saved in your "My toolkits" tab to give you easy access offline.

You can also find short videos on how to download the apps under the Resources for end users of RDS.

How do I search the website and app

It is possible to search across the Right Decisions website/app as a whole or just within the NHS Borders Patient Information toolkit. 

If you search Right Decisions as a whole, bear in mind that information from other boards may be retrieved.

If you search within the NHS Borders Patient Information toolkit, the content will be specific to that board.

To search the website:

Type a search term into the box in the top right hand side of the screen. The search box will indicate whether you are searching everything or just NHS Borders Patient Information.

A search is made of the title of the Patient Information and their content and a number of results will be retrieved.

Choose the guideline or pathway that is most relevant to your needs. 

To search the app:

It is possible to search all Right Decisions toolkits or a specific toolkit.

To search NHS Borders Patient Information, go to My Toolkits and select the NHS Borders Patient Information toolkit.

Use the magnifying glass to search the content.

A search is made of the title of the Patient Information and its content and a number of results will be retrieved.


Adding & updating patient information to RDS

Copyright information

The content within the toolkit complies with copyright legislation and permission to embed content from external sources has been obtained where required.

Flaticon ® images have been used as icons within this toolkit. The RDS use of Flaticon ® images is covered by the licence paid by Tactuum Ltd as software provider of the RDS platform.

Unless otherwise indicated, copyright in this app/website is retained by NHS Borders 2024.


NHS Borders is committed to making its websites and mobile applications accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

This accessibility statement applies to NHS Borders content provided on Right Decisions (RDS).

RDS technology complies with W3C AA standards and further information can be found in the RDS accessibility statement 

Contact us

Please contact Clinical Governance & Quality at


This toolkit should be used by staff and members of the public to access patient information to support treatment it should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. 

NHS Borders hopes that the information in this toolkit will be useful, but it accepts no responsibility and offers no warranties for the content or your use of it, as far as the law allows us to exclude such liability. 

Clinical knowledge and information is constantly changing. As new information become available, changes in treatment, procedures, equipment and the use of drugs become necessary. The developers and contributors have taken care to ensure that the information given is correct and current. However, users of this resource are strongly advised to confirm that the information complies with the latest legislation and standards of practice. 

All use of this resource is subject to Scots law and the jurisdiction of the Scottish courts and is subject to this disclaimer. Any views given on the site are not necessarily those of NHS Borders or anyone connected with us. 

NHS Borders is not responsible for the content of external websites which link to or are linked to by this toolkit. Some external links may be to websites that also offer commercial services. If a link to a particular website is included on our site, it does not mean that NHS Borders officially endorses that website, its owners, products or services.

Editorial Information

Next review date: 30/11/2025

Author(s): Laing D.

Version: V1

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Laing D.