
NHS Borders 

ENT Department
Borders General Hospital
  Tel:01896 826133

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"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."

The benefits

When you rinse your nose with this salt water and bicarbonate of soda mixture, it washes crusts and clots of
blood from your nose.

Salty water pulls fluid out of the swollen linings of your nose. This lets you breathe more easily and opens up the sinus passages. It also helps your nose work better and clear mucus more quickly.

The recipe

Clean and rinse a one pint bottle or other container.

Fill it with water (you do not have to boil the water first).

To one pint of water add one heaped teaspoonful of salt and one teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda.

Stir the mixture or shake the bottle before each use. Store at room temperature.

After a week you should throw away any mixture you have left and make some more.

If the mixture seems too strong try using half a teaspoon of salt to a pint of water.

How to rinse out your nose

1. Rinse out your nose 2 to 3 times a day with a 20 mls syringe (supplied).
2. Pour some salt water mixture into a clean bowl and warm it a little. For example in a microwave. Check that it is not too hot before using it. Fill the syringe from the bowl.
3. Stand over a sink or in the shower. Squirt one syringeful up each nostril towards the back of your head, not
up to your eyes.
4. You should be able to spit some of the salt water out of your mouth. It does not matter if you swallow some.
5. Blow your nose gently when you are finished.
6. You may notice a slight burning feeling at the back of your nose in a day or two.

Editorial Information

Next review date: 31/08/2025

Author(s): Carr E.

Author email(s): esmond.carr@nhs.scot.

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Carr E.