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When you have agreed with your surgeon to have your operation you are required to attend the Pre- Assessment Clinic.

The aims of this clinic are to:

  • assess your level of fitness and health in readiness for your anaesthetic and surgery
  • arrange any tests needed to allow the medical staff to make the most suitable plan of care for you

  • make sure your medicine, if you are on any, is suitable and does not need to be changed before your

make sure you have all the information you need to understand:

  • your anaesthetic and operation, and
  • what will happen to you afterwards
  • give you the chance to ask any questions you might have
  • make sure a plan is in place for when you are ready to leave hospital after your operation. This might
    involve arranging some support services
  • give you a contact telephone number in case you think of any questions later or need more information

If you are asked to attend this will be some weeks before your proposed date of operation. This is to allow enough time to:

  • make a full assessment
  • arrange tests and get the results, and
  • make any changes that are needed to your present treatment

At the clinic

The clinic is situated on the first floor of the hospital. Take the main stairs/lift to the first floor and head towards ward 12. The sign for pre-assessment is half way along the corridor on the right. Report at reception on arrival.

Your appointment may last between 1 and 3 hours.

During this time you will be seen by a Specialist Nurse, and a junior doctor and consultant anaesthetist.

You are welcome to bring a spouse, partner, or carer with you if you wish. Sometimes this is helpful for the nurse or doctor. It also gives your spouse, partner, or carer the chance to ask questions too.

You should bring with you a list of medicines you are taking.

You will be asked a number of questions about:

  • your general health
  • what medicines you take
  • other operations or illnesses you have had
  • any allergies you might have

You will also be asked about your home circumstances. This is important for arranging for you to go home after your operation.

The doctor will examine you and you will have your pulse, blood pressure, weight and height checked.


You may need to have some tests done. These are usually blood tests, an ECG and chest X- ray. A nose and
perineal swab is taken as part of the hospital's Infection Control Policy.

Other tests may be needed depending on your general health and your planned operation. If there is a chance
you might be pregnant you will be asked about this.

What tests are done is based on national expert recommendations. They are designed to help doctors to plan
the best care for patients.

The staff in the clinic will discuss the tests with you and ask your permission to do them. If you decide not to have tests done you should have the implications of this explained to you.

Most of the results are available later the same day. However, you may need to return to the hospital at a later time for tests that need to be booked in advance.

Referral to another doctor

We sometimes need to arrange for a patient to be seen by another specialist doctor. This may be for heart, lung, diabetes or kidney. If this happens you will be given a full explanation.

This usually needs to be arranged for a different day.

We may ask you to see your GP or practice nurse for further monitoring, assessments or tests before your


We will give you a full explanation of everything you need to know before coming for your operation.

This includes:

  • anything you may need to do in the weeks between the clinic and your surgery
  • what to expect when you do come into hospital
  • written information
  • a contact telephone number to use if you have any questions or need reassurance about something
    medication instructions prior to surgery
  • fasting instructions

Please contact the Pre-assessment Nurse if:

you have any questions after reading this information
you are unable to keep your appointment

Contact details:

Direct line, pre-operative assessment clinic tel:01896 827036

Editorial Information

Next review date: 31/01/2025

Author(s): Lowe A.

Author email(s): Angela.lowe@borders.scot.nhs.uk.

Approved By: Lowe A