
NHS Borders

Colorectal Service
Borders General Hospital
Huntlyburn Terrace

Colorectal Clinical Nurse Specialist

  Telephone 01896 826832


"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."

Information regarding reversal of your loop ileostomy

Prior to your Reversal Surgery

You will have a special x-ray using dye to check the join in your bowel has healed well and then have a follow up appointment with your surgeon when he will discuss and agree that it is appropriate to perform you reversal surgery.

Your Operation

You will attend the pre-operative assessment clinic prior to your surgery date and will be admitted to hospital on the morning of surgery.

Bowel preparation will be the same as prior to your main surgery. You will be given information regarding your low residue diet and protein drinks at the pre-assessment appointment.

This is a smaller operation than your main surgery and you will be required to stay in hospital until your bowels are moving and manageable.

This surgery is all done through the stoma site and you will be left with a small scar.

You may initially return to ITU/HDU following your surgery and then back to the surgical ward as before.

Diet and Bowel Function

Similar to your main bowel surgery, you will have intravenous fluids but will gradually return to diet and fluids by following the staging diet sheet as before.

Bowel function may be erratic, frequent, loose and you may be slightly incontinent initially but this is to be expected until the large bowel function returns to normal. This can vary for each individual but may last up to 2 – 4 weeks.

If diet alone doesn’t improve your bowel activity, medication may be needed.  The two drugs used are Loperamide or Codeine. You should speak to one of the Nurse Specialists for advice prior to taking any medication for bowel function.

Frequent visits to the toilet may result in sore skin.  Moist toilet wipes and barrier creams can be used if required.

When should I return to normal activities?

As this is a smaller procedure you should recover physically quicker than your main bowel surgery but some patients can experience low mood for a short time but should not worry as this can sometimes happen. We encourage you to speak to your stoma/colorectal nurses about this.

As with any abdominal surgery you will need to take care with heavy lifting and stretching for around 6 weeks. Check with your motor insurance company regarding when you would be covered to drive again. You should return to work and normal socialising as you feel able but can get guidance/fit notes from your GP.

What can I do with my old supply of stoma products?

Stoma Care Nurses will be happy to take back supplies that have not been opened, to use for teaching purposes. All other/open products should be disposed of. Please try to ensure that you only order what you are likely to need before your reversal, as products are expensive on NHS resources.

Who do I contact if I have further questions?

Your stoma nurse will visit you whilst you are in hospital after you have had your reversal. On leaving hospital you will receive a letter formally discharging you from the stoma service.

Your contacts for long term follow up will be as below.

If your initial surgery was performed for Inflammatory Bowel Disease you should contact your GP or Gastrointestinal Service involved in your care should you have any concerns regarding your bowel function.

If your initial surgery was performed for Bowel Cancer you will have a structured follow up and you should contact your Colorectal Nurses if you have any concerns.


Editorial Information

Next review date: 01/04/2027

Author(s): Craig L.

Author email(s): linda.craig@nhs.scot.

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Craig L.